Friday 13 June 2014

The Pony Boys part IX by JR Villar

41. ext night field
Around the Great Fire the PONY BOYS are silent, watching the flames. HYG roses when he sees ALFONSO coming from the forest.
Alfonso?! Why are you here?
Where is Afy? Where is Afy?!
ALFONSO eyes seems wild. The PONY BOYS look again at the flames, resigned.
Afy...she already went...
She has been chosen? She’s already been?!
She was the chosen one?
(The PONY BOYS nods in agreement)
Who will come with me?! (ALFONSO shouts).
The PONY BOYS are undaunted; none gives any sort of gesture. ALFONSO cries in anger. 
You let her go?!
ALFONSO irade turns around and runs right to the direction of the source of the Bright Water which is a few meters before the Field of Berries. HYG shouts at ALFONSO:
Stop Alfonso!
ALFONSO doesn't even turns and keeps running disapearing in the dark of night between trees. HYG looks at the other PONY BOYS. They all stay in silence.
42. night brilliant spring / FIELD of berries (sequenced)

ALFONSO arrives at the Brilliant Spring. He is going to run towards the Field of Berries, but the land where that the Bright Water had spilled across that morning caught his attention.
With the moonbeams, that piece of land is shining dimly. ALFONSO stops for a closer look. The glow is intense. ALFONSO kneels and touches the ground. 
Wow! How I missed it before?
Thousands of small crystals!
The water was so bright
because it is full of diamonds!
Rough diamonds! Hundreds...thousands!
So that’s why Totopuk wants the water!
That’s why the brook that rises towards
the forest is much brighter than
 that which goes down to the lake of the ponies.
 Totopuk is collecting the diamonds
and then sending the water back!
 It can only be that. Now I get it!
Undeterred, ALFONSO goes straight to the Field of Berries.
Without hesitation, crosses the wide Field of Berries.

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