Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Pony Boys part XII by JR Villar


ALFONSO and ZENA move all the PONY BOYS forward and escape in the midst of the turmoil. ZENA stops and turns back. ALFONSO calls her but he doesn´t receive a response. ALFONSO joins the PONY BOYS and run through the forest. ZENA eventually appears again a few minutes later, joining them.
What were you doing?
ALFONSO makes a suspicious face of disapproval, but at that moment a violent explosion tosses thousands of colored lights into the air like a fire.

Fire works! (laughs)
So you did Nothing?!
Let me say…
Totopuk’s cabin could not stand the heat
this evening...it is a very hot night…

ZENA laughs like a crazy. Suddenly she stops and freezes. ALFONSO doesn't realize the serious and static face that ZENA pulls now. In a spasm, ZENA roses into the air. Her head lolles to one side with a screech. The PONY BOYS crie out in terror. ALFONSO is paralyzed. TOTOPUK had emerged from the darkness and gripped ZENA by the neck. With a sharp movement of one hand, TOTOPUK brokes her neck. In an apparently very easy gesture, TOTOPUK projects ZENA into the air, causing her to disappear with a small explosion of bright colours. ALFONSO distracts TOTOPUK by looking at the sparkling rain of lights that used to be Zena, and while TOTOPUK is looking too, ALFONSO gives TOTOPUK a big push that make him fall back helpless. ALFONSO shouts to the PONY BOYS.

Run! Run! Run!

The PONY BOYS are very clumsy with chains on their feet, but race down the hill towards the Field of Berries. TOTOPUK, who had loaded his pockets with diamonds, is running heavily behind them, casting colored beams of lights that look like lasers. The PONY BOYS turn away from it, while they explode around them in full bright colors.


The first PONY BOYS arrive in the clearing of the Bright Water spring, they are terrified. Ahead of them a veritable army of TOTOPUK’S GUARDS, surrounds them. The PONY BOYS are trapped.
ALFONSO arrives with AFY and the other PONY BOYS who are attached to her. They stop defeated before the  TOTOPUK GUARDS. TOTOPUK furious approaches from behind, denying them the way to the rear as an escape.
ALFONSO, AFY and the other PONY BOYS, close up into a circle, waiting now for the unexpected end. TOTOPUK comes up breathless and flushed with anger.

Well, well, well!
 I’ve already heard about you, kid!
I knew you would give me trouble,
but I never thought it would be so soon.
ALFONSO (shouts)
why?! Because I did not fall into your lies?!
 So you know, I never believed
in the story of the Water of Life!

TOTOPUK laughs.

Sure kid!The Pony Boys do not know
anything else in the world,
so it's easy to fool them! Ha ha ha!!
What?! What do you mean?!
Yes, yes my little girl!
You ever think the water is living water?
Or miraculous water or whatever?!
It’s not brilliant!(snarls).
For you, stupid mountain dwellers,
the water is nothing but brightness!
Its only shiny, glittering and sparkling spin!
Ha ha ha!
(changes his expression to a more devilish face)
 Out of the mountain comes wealth!
Loads of riches!

TOTOPUK gives a deceitful laugh into the face of Afy.
AFY goes right up to TOTOPUK, willing to do anything, but her foot is stuck to the other PONY BOYS, and the chain gives a mighty stretch causing her and another two or three PONY BOYS to fall.

TOTOPUK (laughs)
Oh so cute, my little one, you are very brave!
Too bad this little life has to finish early!
(smiles and shouts) Hunt them down! All of them!
The TOTOPUK GUARDS move a little closer; the PONY BOYS are scared and scream. ALFONSO respondes, but TOTOPUK turns and points his finger, throwing a blue ray that causes ALFONSO to fly against a tree.

TOTOPUK (shouts)
You! You will be the last! And at my hands!

ThePONY BOYS are now touching each other back to back, with dozens of sharp spears, ready to transfix them. Some scream and are petrified. Suddenly they begin to feel a flutter on the ground. The TOTOPUK GUARDS and TOTOPUK stop. TOTOPUK turns, puzzled. The pulsating sound resides from the jungle. In the distance a rapidly approaching shadow files the horizon through the trees.

The Souls! The Souls!

TOTOPUK try to understand what is happening. He tries to improve his sight by putting his hands above his eyes. He makes a scary face and screams in a furious yet amazing roar.Towards the clearing come dozens of ponies ride by the all the PONY BOYS of the field. ALFONSO, leans against a tree as the ground began to tremble. The TOTOPUK GUARDS begin to get agitated and uncomfortable, and turn their backs on the trapped PONY BOYS. TOTOPUK is visibly nervous and start waving and shouting in their incomprehensible dialect. The charge of the ponies ridden by PONY BOYS is approaching fast. In front, HYG, followed by KALI and SHAP, are now distinguishable. In their hands they bring their spears tipped with sharpened stones.Within seconds, they came thundering into the clearing and destroyed TOTOPUK GUARDS formation. Seeing his guards being swept away, TOTOPUK run to the water spring and tries to fill his pockets even more, despite them already being full of diamonds. In the clearing in front of him, the PONY BOYS, helped by the ponies, are dueling with TOTOPUK GUARDS making them flee within a short time. With the help of some of the other PONY BOYS, SHAP and HYG release the chains, breaking the locks with their stone spears.ALFONSO is tripping the TOTOPUK GUARDS who pass by him, as they fled. ALFONSO is so distracted that he did not see that TOTOPUK approaches him from behind. In a violent gesture TOTOPUK grabs ALFONSO by the neck . TOTOPUK roses to the top of the rock at the Bright Water spring, with ALFONSO’S feet hanging above the ground.


TOTOPUK's voice roars furiously. All stalled and look to TOTOPUK who have ALFONSO suspended by the neck.
It seems that your little party is over!
From now on, the penalty is going to be
related to your silly pony souls!

TOTOPUK raises his arm up very high and shows ALFONSO, kicking and breathing with difficulty.
AFY (scream)
TOTOPUK (taunts)
Yes... (says in a fake sweet voice that began to harden)...
yes...Yeeessss…YES, YES!! (cries, smiling).
 By my hands...Alfonso will be the first soul.

TOTOPUK neatly presses a little more around ALFONSO’s neck, who shakes unable to breathe. At the same time TOTOPUK is interrupt by MAFALDA who comes from behind with a big tree brunch in her hands.

No... is no!
Caughting TOTOPUK by surprise, MAFALDA gives a mighty thwack in the TOTOPUK's forehead. This make him drop ALFONSO, and the stumbles to the edge of the escarpment, clinging to his face in pain and unbalanced. TOTOPUK remains in an unstable position on the edge.
MAFALDA grabs a handful of diamonds from the source,  looks at them in her hand. With a mischievous smile, MAFALDA chose a most beautiful one and keeps it in her pocket, smiling, then She closes her hand firmly around the other diamonds and turns around, as if she was surprised, to TOTOPUK.

Is this what you want?
Are diamonds what you want?
Even in exchange for the lives of children!?
You want these diamonds, don’t you?... So get it!

At the same time, MAFALDA throws the handful of diamonds with all the force she can.
TOTOPUK tries to protect himself, but the sudden movement make him lose his balance. His feet are dangerously approaching the edge of the escarpment. With his heels in thin air, TOTOPUK hesitates,  tries to hold onto the rocks, but the imbalance is much too strong. TOTOPUK makes a series of movements to try and balance himself, but with a false step, he slips and crashes into the abyss, followed by the diamonds, which float around him. Even so,TOTOPUK tries to grab the diamonds throughout the fall. Eventually he hits the ground in an explosion of thousands of coloured lights and smoke. The PONY BOYS shout with joy.  GUSTAVO and MAFALDA rush to ALFONSO, who was coughing upon returning to breathing properly. AFY joins them. Around them, the PONY BOYS celebrate together with those who had been prisoners.

48.ext night field
The PONY BOYS have the biggest party ever, this time with special guests, MAFALDA and GUSTAVO. They were charmed and entertained by the PONY BOYS. ALFONSO stands up and begins to speak:
Dear Pony Boys, it’s already approaching
the time when we have to leave.
I know that I could never be your king,
but you have someone with that ability right here.
You do not need me.
One of you has led you very well
and helped greatly in freeing you from Totopuk!
ALFONSO looked at HYG, who shook his head negatively.

Yes Hyg! You showed how to lead the other boys
with justice and knowledge.
Without bragging or being arrogant,
you lead them with energy
and are willing to change the situation.
 Afy can help you!
Afy with her sensitivity can accompany you!
Shap smiles, and with a bottle of nectar he was drinking in his hand, began yelling:
Hyg! Hyg! Hyg! Hyg!
The boys all started to scream, joining with more and more in support of Hyg. Everyone was yelling:


They are all happy again and they sang and danced for hours. MAFALDA and GUSTAVO are like two children among many others. They had also liberated themselves from that dull life, and the rules of adults that often block the spirit. AFY pulls ALFONSO by the arm and whispers to him

You know Alfonso, the Legend was right after all!
You saved the Pony Boys! You are really the boy from the legend.
They smile to each other hand in hand.


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