Tuesday 26 August 2014

CHARACTERS in a STORY - The archetypes Part III

Today I want to write about the Tutor in my diagram. Tutor, Mentor, Wise Person who advises the Protagonist. Whatever you want to call to this character you will find him everywhere. Maybe the most famous one is Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio.
The Tutor guides the Protagonist during the journey. Is the one who appears to cheer up, to tell a secret or a message of hope. So many times is also the one who sparks the journey for the hero.
He teaches, gives training and guiding. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) is trained by Obi Wan Kanobi (Alec Guinness) in Star Wars IV. Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe ) receives is mentoring from Albus Dumbledore (Richard Harris and Michael Gambon ).

Occasionally the tutor is not even present. He can be a spirit related to the protagonist or an ancient hero who returns in a dream or as a ghost (It happens in Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars etc...).

I may risk here another idea that some may not accept. Sometimes an object fill the space of the tutor. An amulet, a book, a jewell which motivates the hero.

In many occasions, the tutors appear in the very beggining of the story, and eventually they return in the end of the journey to give the last key, celebrate the victory or the completed task. Also is not rare that we have more than one tutor. Like the Gods of Olympus and Hercules.

The Tutor is someone that the hero can trust. Someone with the true and the knowledge, even if it doesn't have the physical strenght anymore, just like Yoda (Frank Oz ) in Star Wars.

I leave you with this to think in other tutors and mentors that you find in movies anf TV series. What they do? How they are related with the protagonist?


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