Friday 8 August 2014

HOW TO BUILD THE CHARACTERS Part I - The Threedimensional world!

Blow that horns, this is so important! The Characters.

There is no story without characters. Even if there are no "humans" there, you must have it! Just look to a Disney movie, Trees, animals, objects... It doesn't need to be a person but as the french call it, must be a PERSONAGE (read it with a French accent, they invented this one!), and every one of them must have a background. The richest their background is, the better for your character.

Many newbies just organize the characters as they need. "I need a father, and a mother and grandpa..." Ok. You need that for your story. But don't put it just like that. You really need to build your characters and give them a texture.

You will find in many scriptwriting books and articles the favorite word of everybody: Threedimensional. How we love that one!

What it means Threedimensional? As the word says, it means it has more than one dimension, more than one side. Is not flat. In other words, is not only what you see. There is more than you can see if you look just from one angle.

Look to any threedimensional object in you hand when you go shopping... what you usual do? You turn it to see the other side... even if it's an apple in the supermarket, you want to check all the sides of it before you put in your basket.

With your character or PERSONAGE, you need to do the same. Someone who pick them will be abble to turn it and see the other sides. In theatre, that's why you have the dramaturgy. The dramaturg ,inbetween other activities, has the duty to explain to the actors all the sides of the characters. He helps the actors to build their PERSONAGES looking in the very background of them; Why they act or react in diferent situations. The dramaturg is the guy who picks the apple in the supermarket and shows all the angles he can!

I will continue this for the next posts. I don't know how many because there is so much to say about it.

Keep in touch!

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