Thursday 19 February 2015

History of the Cinema - From the Zoetrope

And all started with this:
Created in the 1830's by William George Horner  an English mathematician. This could be considered the first animated movie. The illusion of the movement by spinning a set of drawings or photographs in a drum.
Eventually different adaptations of the Zoetrope appear during the XIXth Century, like the Praxinoscope created by Charles-Émile Reynaud, which was an improved version of the zoetrope, but using mirrors in the centre, that made easier to watch the loop of the images.
Charles-Émile Reynaud will be one of the most important figures for the cinema and also one of the most forgotten ones, basically, because he invented a way to project the animations in what could be considered as the first Cinema in the history.
In 1892, Reynaud made the first projection for an audience with a series of small animated cartoons painted on glass and made it spin with an ingenious belt system and two drums acting just like the modern reels.
Unfortunately for him, someone was creating something even more spectacular that put him out of the race very quickly. That I will write next time.
I'm not going to spend to much time in this earlier years, but just mention them as a curiosity. As usual I'm not trying to make an essay on my blog, but only giving quick notes for a general knowledge. There are many books and academics to tell you all the details about... well about everything.
Just keep following for an easy reading.


1 comment:

JR Villar said...

Yesterday I visited the Castle Museum in York (I go there frequently) and I spot a Zoetrope there. Is not on display as a major object, but it's inside one of the shops at the main street, treated as a "toy".