Wednesday 14 June 2017

MY TENDER TRENCH - York 18th, 19th and 20th of August

Happy to announce that "My Tender Trench" will be on stage during The York in the Blitz 2017.

Rawcliffe Park - York

Free Admission

Tuesday 17 January 2017


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What am I? I really don’t know. I can’t see myself. I’m floating. I never drown. I did try to stop breathing but it didn’t work. I kept living. I touched myself and didn’t felt more than a slimy and jelly body. I don’t have a shape. I can never have a shape, I’m constantly changing. Oh dear, I’m morphing again. What am I? I don’t go towards others to eat them; they just float into my stomach. Do I choose what I eat? I know no one choose to eat me. I’ve been swallowed so many times and was spited again back to my world. What is my world? I don’t know. I’m floating in it and it floats in me. I can’t see. How can I explain something that I don’t know? Oh here it goes again… One… Two… Spited again.

Sunday 15 January 2017


Image result for caravan on fire

All the family were happy. The waiting was long but now they can see in front of their eyes how amazing is the new caravan. They will have such a great holidays all the way down to south. Billy and Sean, the two youngsters of the family are very excited. They want to spend the night on their new beds.  Alice she is seventeen. She really doesn’t bother about that caravan, but in her mind she built her own plan.  “Why don’t you try the caravan tonight? You can spend the night there. The kids are going to love it”. She said to her father. The father is a bit reluctant but in the end he agrees.  “Well… why not? Tomorrow is Sunday; we will have all day free. Come on kids, go get the sleeping bags”. Alice waits until they all get to sleep. Under the darkness of the night, she blocks the door and lights a petrol bucket under the caravan. 

Saturday 14 January 2017


Image result for pigeons on train station

I just arrived to Kings Cross… No wait, I mean Charing Cross. Yes it was Charing Cross. It was raining a lot. My shoes were wet and my socks cold and soaked. I found an empty bench and I sat. There was a pastry smashed on the ground and some pigeons were trying to avoid me to get a piece of it.  I didn’t eat anything that morning.

Monday 12 September 2016


Almost 5 months after my last post, (Summer is a busy time), here the point where my new project stays.
As I mentioned before, I spent many months in research, then creating characters (at least the main ones). I did some steps on treatment, and now I planning the scenes sequence. This is a hard work, that will take some time to do.
Ideas follow other ideas, and some are thrown to the bin.
It's the time to clarify, to imagine and to fly free.
This is the moment the project takes shape. Basically I'm filling the structure.
Have a look on this (intentionally blurred)  picture.

This is how it looks like at the moment. I have about half of the scenes that I need. Starting with the main ones that led me to the write this project, the difficulty now, it's to create high quality scenes to fill the other spaces. Every single scene need to be perfect and make the story run. That's the hardest part of the process, but also the most exciting.
I love to have my brain running on new ideas while I walk in the city or sat on a garden. But keep you notepad near!

See you soon.

Wednesday 18 May 2016


I'm starting my most ambitious project ever. So I decided to keep on the Heroes and Villains a kind of diary giving tips where am I at every moment. That will give an idea of the time taken to develop a new script.

The beginning was an idea of the theme. Simple and naked.

It was last year when I was talking about my home town with other writers and they said something like "wow... that can be an amazing script".

I don't tell you the story of my town... for now, because that will immediately will lead to the theme of my script... so I'm keeping it in secret.
Anyway, when my fellow writers mentioned about, I suddenly realised I lived so many years with an amazing theme just next door. As usual, just because is under our noses, we can´t see it.
This proves that sometimes the best ideas are in front of your eyes. Just look for it. You don’t need to push your brain too much to get a good one. And do not try to make it very complex in the beginning. You’ll have time to develop it.

So, after the initial idea I’ve started my research. Since is based on real events, I did some interviews, visited locations and read, at least, three books specifically on the subject, plus two or three about scriptwriting. The first ones gave me insight on the subject, interesting facts and fine details and helped me to feel comfortable on the subject. The second ones kept me focus in the scriptwriting technics, structures, character buildings etc. Even after many years writing, it’s always good to do new refreshment on “rules” before you start a new project.

This period last me for about 6 months. A slow pace moment since I don´t have any pressure at the moment and I want to be as much accurate and plausible as possible. At the same time during this time I started to design the story line and I created the main characters and some of the secondary ones. My script board is already full of notes!

My next stage it will be to create the treatment. You will find that the more you research the easier the treatment will be. And a good log line also will turn up. I already have one… But it is secret!

Keep an eye for next posts. I’m a bit busy at the time at the York Mystery Plays, but I will try my best to do my work and to post updates about my progression.

Next phase will be the TREATMENT.

Friday 6 May 2016


I've been away for a while as I'm involved as an actor with the York Mystery Plays 2016.
This is a special year, as the Mystery Plays will take place at the York Minster.

From 26th of May until 30th of June, a superproduction that you don't want to miss.

Follow the link for more information:
